By James Brady
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Life is but a corridor, O man, and

each must walk down this

corridor! At the end, we see a door,

for it is death's door, and

oft' we fear what lies on the other

side of death's door! Is it

just darkness? Is it to be no more?

Or does it lead to Life?

O Lord my God, what lies just the

other side of death's door?

Is it naught but the long sleep of

death that awaits us? Or is

it the long Dance of Eternal Life

with You? I fear this door,

but I should not do so! Has not

Christ Jesus slain death?

Life is but a corridor, O man, and

each must walk down this

corridor! 'Tis up to each man to

walk this corridor in the

company of the other one, then

you shall walk in darkness,

or Christ Jesus, then you shall

walk within the Light!

Have you not heard, O man, that

Christ Jesus died for you on

His Cross? Do you not know the

Gates that were shut by sin

were opened by Blood?

Life is but a corridor, O man, and

each may choose his Way on

this Path! The wisest choice is to

believe in Christ Jesus, for He

walks with you if you but ask Him

to do so! This corridor leads to

the Cross, into the Waters of Life,

then to Salvation's Path!

O Lord my God, what lies just the

other side of death's door?

If one has not lead a good life, he

may find himself in darkness

for all eternity! Alas, never to see

the Light and Glory of God!

Free will, it can be good for you,

or it can lead to chaos!

O Lord my God, what lies just the

other side of death's door?

If one has lead a good life, tried

to follow Christ Jesus, and

asked for forgiveness as needed,

then one shall see the Light

and Glory of God, and live Life

Eternally in the Light!

Life is a long corridor, but until

one knocks on death's door,

one can still find God!

So be it!

James Brady

May 6, 2019